Don’t hesitate. Don’t wonder. Don’t field questions from aggressive insurance companies. Contact Gill & Chamas, LLC today.
Location & Directions
Woodbridge, NJ Office
655 N Florida Grove Road
P.O. Box 760
Woodbridge, NJ 07095
655 Florida Grove Road
Perth Amboy, NJ 08861

Parkway North
Take the Parkway North. Go over Driscoll Bridge and get off at Exit 127. Follow signs for Woodbridge-Route 9 North. After approximately one mile, you will see the Majestic Lanes Bowling Alley on your right. Immediately after that and before the overpass is a sign for Route 184 East. Outerbridge Crossing. Take that exit, go to the top and straight thru the traffic light and continue on to the next traffic light that will be Florida Grove Road. Make a left onto Florida Grove Road, G&C is approximately 1/2 mile on left.
287 South
Take 287 South to Route 9 North. Get onto Route 9. Go about one mile, you will pass Majestic Lanes Bowling Alley on your right, directly before the overpass is an exit for Route 184 East, Outerbridge Crossing. Take that exit go thru the traffic light, at the next light make a left turn onto Florida Grove Road. G&C is approximately ½ mile on the left.
Route 1 North
Take Route 1 North past Woodbridge Center Mall. Take Green St. exit, right before Jose Tejas. At the stop sign make a right turn which will put you onto Rt. 9 So. Proceed on Rt. 9, you will pass the Hess Building, Home Depot and Jiffy Lube. Immediately after Jiffy Lube, take the exit for 184 East, Outerbridge Crossing. You will bear right, come to a traffic light, proceed thru the light to the next light, that will be Florida Grove Road. Make a left onto Florida Grove Road, G&C is approximately ½ mile on the left.
Route 9 North
Take Route 9 North, you will pass Majestic Lanes Bowling Alley on your right. Immediately after, before the overpass take the exit for 184 East, Outerbridge Crossing. Get off that exit, proceed to the second traffic light, that will be Florida Grove Road. Make a left onto Florida Grove Road, G&C is approximately ½ mile on the left.
NJ Turnpike
Take the turnpike to exit 11. Follow the signs for Route 9. On your approach to Route 9, there are three exits, take the second exit (Rt.9 North, 440, Outerbridge Crossing). The exit bears right, go thru two traffic lights, at the third traffic light will be Florida Grove Road, make a left turn onto Florida Grove Road, G&C is approximately ½ mile on the left.
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